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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Who is Mitch Mortaza

Who is Mitch Mortaza? He is the man behind the LFL. He is the man that came up with "the" idea. As a spectator at football games , Mitch noticed everyone leaving during halftime, then he realized that he might just be able to create entertainment to fill the gap. The Lfl began as a halftime show for football games but quickly became its own leauge due to demand from fans. soon leauge teams were popping up alll over the place and Mitch became a very busy man. Mitch is the man who makes the whole thing move, he reatins a 51% ownership of the leauge and the teams, however he brings in smaller owners in each area for each team. He has marketed the LFL as a fun friday night activity for the guys or the girls or both to come out and have some fun. I think he is on to something as well, who doesn't enjoy women and football. The idea has been around for quite some time to make a womens football leauge , however they failed. The AFL was one of these leagus, and it never made it. The difference here is that mitch mortaza has made one very smart obseration. He has little to no chance of competeing wuith the NFL, so instead of doing that and running into such rough waters, he decided to throw a different and less serious spin on the whole leauge. This has got to be one of the best ideas in a long time, however in today's worl many great ideas never make it. They lack the funding, the publicity, or the interest to reallly "take off" , but the makreting of the league has been done well and I believe as more people find the sport they will tend to like it. Especially when most have a team realatively close by that they can root for.Now we just have to see what happens next, where will mitch take the leauge

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