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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Don't Knock IT

Why is the LFL so appealing to men? Is it truly only because the women are wearing close to nothing? Is that really as far as it goes, well I don't think so.

The lfl spawned from the halftime shows of the NFL leauge. At first it was what looked like just a bunch of women in skimpy outfits playing football. The fans looked on gave it little attention and continued with what they were doing, however it didn't stop. In fact the games continued and continued and continued. Now I will give you this much, that there is not enough organization to the leauge and still from first glance it seems a little like a joke, and the league sure has its fair share of critics. Peaople will tell you the leage takes advantage of women, people will say the girls don't have talent Etc. However this is my point. If this was in fact a leage with women who had no talent and just looked good in skimpy outfits the leauge would never make it. The thing is its more than that, way more. When you really look deeper and see the hearts of these women you'll see that its much more than that. Yes the women are beautiful, but they posses a skill and determination to succed. That pairing together of 2 things men love is catupulting this leauge to new levels. They just opened a new franchise and are starting a new season.

If you follow the story deep enough you'll see what im talking about. I hope the lingire football leauge survives and the women continue to play hard.

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