Who knew that a Super Bowl halftime alternative television special, the Lingerie Bowl, would be such a huge success? The Lingerie Bowl caught the attention of millions of viewers, broadcasted over 85 countries during the Super bowl Sunday festivities.
"Having successfully developed and launched 10 LFL franchises this past season, we at the league office have never seen this level of fan response and excitement around a new team," said LFL founder and Chairman, Mitchell S. Mortaza, in a statement.

Fans created a high demand in this "fantasy league" and LFL league officials responded. The 2011 season will be introducing two new teams into the league, the Orlando Fantasy (mentioned in February) and the Baltimore Charm! The name makes sense, because Baltimore's nickname is "Charm City". Last week, league officials met with ladies who are interested in joining the Baltimore Charm; open-call tryouts will be held on May 1, 2010; location TBA.

Not only is the league itself expanding from 10 teams to 12 teams, they were also discussing a TV deal. Normally during the Super Bowl halftime shows, only those who watch pay-per-view are able to watch the girls play and an alternative to that, is going to a game on Friday nights (during season), where you can watch them live! But discussing and getting a television deal with a network is not as easy as it sounds! We will keep you posted with updates!
(Baltimore Charm logo not yet available).
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