There are people out there who feel that the Lingerie Football League is nothing more than a bunch of woman walking around in skimpy outfits. While the players are wearing very provocative clothing, you can also see that they take the game very seriously. The players usually are not worry about how cute they look making a play or tackle, they are more worried about trying to give their team the best chance of winning the game which is what sports are all about.
Nicole M Lavoi of nicolemlavoi.com says the LFL is nothing more than a league that uses sex to sell tickets. She goes on to say “More specifically, sexy images and sexy female athletes sell sex to young male consumers, ages 18-35. I would be really interested to see the market research—who are the consumers and fans of the LFL? (Any guesses?) “ While Ms. Lavoi might be correct about what is the LFL’s target market, isn’t that the target market of most sports leagues???
I can see how the LFL can be seen as a sport driven only by sex appeal but we fail to remember that many of these women are top notch athletes. Natasha Lindsey , Kerry Warren and Monique Gaxiola all played sports while in college. Kerry Warren played rugby, yes rugby, and Monique was actually part of the Mexican National Soccer team. As you can see the LFL is not just putting pretty faces out there, they are finding great athletes to represent their league.
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