The latest news in the LFL was very shocking to me! Lingerie Football League Executives, just recently put two of the best players in the entire league on probation and for what? Drum roll please......for wearing too much clothing!
During a recent photo shoot, the players took part in a photo shoot for New Times, but according to league executives it was a bust!
Miami Caliente's quarterback Anoka Dixon and receiver Tina Caccavale, they were photographed in their uniforms, but they were wearing shoulder pads. and as a result of wearing the pads, they were both place on probation.
During the games, the players must wear their equipment; shoulder pads, helmets, knee pads, and elbow pads. So what did they really violate? According to the LFL, when u partake in a photo shoot whether individual or a team photo, the girls are usually covered in baby oil and pose practically in their bra and underwear.

Did they really do anything wrong? Personally I think it was refreshing in a way to see them as tough girls that love to play the sport, a real athletic woman, rather than a model and trying extra hard to be sexier.
What do you think?
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